Earache Otitis Media

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Otitis media

Earache Otitis Media is a common viral or bacterial infection which affects the middle portion of the ears, which is an air-filled space located behind the eardrums. It contains very minute vibrating bones which can affect a person’s hearing. Earache otitis media is most common in children than adults due to the shape of the ear canal and ear infections of this nature are quite painful due to inflammation and swelling. In most cases, a buildup of fluids is detected particularly in the middle ear. Most children who have this type of ear infection may experience dull, burning or sharp ear pain which may be constant or pain that comes and goes.



Alternative Treatment Efficacy According to GRADE* Ranking:

Naturopathic Medicine:

Recommendation: weakly in favor (available evidence shows that Naturopathic medicine may be slightly more effective in treating ear pain than conventional anesthetic drops)

Grade of Evidence: low quality of evidence

* www.gradeworkinggroup.org

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