
Also Know As Polio

Our Records are Incomplete for Drugs
Commonality for Southern India is uncommon
Commonality for South East Asia is uncommon
Commonality for South America is uncommon
Commonality for Russia is rare
Commonality for Afghanistan is uncommon
Commonality for Pakistan is uncommon
Commonality for Australia is rare
Commonality for South Africa is rare
Commonality for Europe is rare
Commonality for North America is rare
Commonality for China is uncommon
Commonality for Zimbabwe is rare
Commonality for Carribean is uncommon
Commonality for East Africa is rare
Commonality for Central America is uncommon
Commonality for Central Africa is rare
Commonality for Sub Saharan Africa is uncommon
Commonality for North Africa is uncommon
GeographicalRegion is Africa
Incidence is approximately 1 in 2,000,000 people
Further Tests

Efficacy of Alternative and Other Treatments According to GRADE* Ranking:

Magnetic Therapy:

Recommendation: no recommendation (A study has been done which supports claims that magnetic therapy can reduce pain in patients that have recovered from polio. However, the reliability of this study has been questioned)

Grade of Evidence: low quality of evidence

 * www.gradeworkinggroup.org

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