Identification |
Generic Name
Brand Name
Attributes |
Our Records are Incomplete for Drug Attributes |
Condition Contra-Indication |
Myocardial Infarction
Other Contra-Indication |
This drug is contra-indicated in patients with a history of allergies to it, or to any of its components
Contra-Indication |
Our Records are Incomplete for Drug Contra-Indications |
Class Contra-Indication |
Our Records are Incomplete for Drug Class Contra-Indications |
Side Effects |
Common Nausea Vomiting Hair Loss Abnormal (Alopecia) Mouth Ulcer Oesophagus: Ulcer Blood: Platelet Count Low (Thrombocytopenia) White Blood Cell Count Reduced (Leukopenia) | Uncommon Fever (Raised Body Temperature) Chills Skin Itchy Swollen Red Bumps (Hives or Urticaria) | Rare Eye: Inflammation of Conjunctiva (Conjunctivitis) Eyes: Shedding of Tears (Lacrimation) |
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