Kava (Piper Methysticum)

Generic Name
Kava (Piper Methysticum)
Brand Name



Condition Contra-Indication
Our Records are Incomplete for Condition-Contra Indications

Other Contra-Indication
Our Records are Incomplete for Other Contra-Indications

Our Records are Incomplete for Drug Contra-Indications

Class Contra-Indication
Our Records are Incomplete for Drug Class Contra-Indications

We have incomplete side-effect data.

Side Effects

Efficacy of Kava as an Alternative Medicine According to GRADE* Ranking [1, 2, 3]:

WARNING: In rare cases, kava may lead to liver failure and other life threatening problems. The FDA warns that those who have had liver problems, or are on medications which may affect the liver, patients should check with their doctors before taking Kava. Other side effects include headache, upset stomach, drowsiness, weight loss, bloody urine, and muscle weakness. 

Recommendation: No recommendation (There is insufficient evidence to support claims that Kava helps treat any of the above conditions. More studies are needed.)

Grade of Evidence: Very low level of evidence 

1. 1. Ades T, Alteri R, Gansler T, Yeargin P, "Complete Guide to Complimentary & Alternative Cancer Therapies", American Cancer Society, Atlanta USA, 2009

2. http://www.publish.csiro.au/?act=view_file&file_id=SP05005.pdf

3. https://nccih.nih.gov/health/kava

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