Brain Abscess

Our Records are Incomplete for Drugs
CriticalCare = Yes
Further Tests

Efficacy of Alternative and Other Treatments According to GRADE* Ranking:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT):

Recommendation: Strong (HBOT has been shown to be effective in treating Brain Abscess')

Grade of Evidence: High quality of evidence


Brain absces

A brain abscess is a collection of immune cells, pus, and other materials in the brain, usually as a result of a bacterial or fungal infection. [1] It can develop as a complication of an infection, trauma or surgery. The condition is rare but individuals with weakened immune system are at risk of developing it.[2] It can be extremely serious as the abscess may burst thus causing permanent brain damage or even death.[3]


Brain abscess may affect people of any age but it commonly occurs in individuals who are on their 30s and 40s. Males are twice likely than females to have it. [4]


Local sources include ear infections, dental abscess, paranasal sinuses infection or epidural abscess. Remote sources may include infections in organs like lung, heart or kidney. Other causes of brain abscess are head trauma and surgical procedure. In children, cerebral abscesses are frequently linked to congenital heart disease. [4]

Risk Factors

There is an increased likelihood of developing brain abscess in people with weakened immune status like AIDS patients, patients with chronic disease like cancer, those with right-to-left heart shunts (often as a result of congenital heart disease) and those taking immunosuppressive drugs like corticosteroids. [5]


Symptoms depend on the size and location of abscess. A dull, achy headache is present in more than 75 percent of people with brain abscess. For most patients, this is the only symptom. The pain usually is limited to the side of the brain where the abscess is located. Aspirin and other pain medications do not relieve the pain. The pain often gets worse until the abscess is treated. [2] Other symptoms commonly reported are fever, confusion and weakness or one-sided paralysis of the body. [3]


Symptoms tend to be general thus diagnosis is hard and often delayed. Medical and travel history are important to be obtained to determine previous infections as well as the risk of getting infections. Diagnostic tests such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans are useful tools in diagnosis. [2] Other laboratory exams may be requested such as blood cultures and Complete blood count (CBC). A needle biopsy is often done to identify the cause of infection. [1]


Brain abscess is often treated with antibiotics or by draining or removing the abscess through surgical procedures.[2]




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