Febrile Seizures

Age = Infant
Further Tests

Febrile seizure

This happens when a child’s temperature suddenly goes up. Febrile Seizure is the reaction of the body to a high fever. This usually lasts for just a few minutes and is not life-threatening. Although it is very scary to look a child having Febrile Seizure, parents or guardians should not panic and just make sure that the child is safe from accidents while the seizure is happening. When the child calms down, it is still best to bring him to the doctor for further check-up. A child may have a high fever, may fall unconscious, and may roll his eyes during Febrile Seizure.

Summary Reference



1.  http://www.merck.com/mmpe/sec19/ch283/ch283c.html?qt=Febrile%20Seizures&alt=sh#sec19-ch283-ch283c-1687a

2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11694684?dopt=Abstract

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