Avoid Strenuous Exercise

Generic Name
Avoid Strenuous Exercise
Brand Name



Condition Contra-Indication
Our Records are Incomplete for Condition-Contra Indications

Other Contra-Indication
Our Records are Incomplete for Other Contra-Indications

Our Records are Incomplete for Drug Contra-Indications

Class Contra-Indication
Our Records are Incomplete for Drug Class Contra-Indications

We have incomplete side-effect data.

Side Effects

Efficacy of Avoiding Strenuous Exercise as a Lifestyle Change According to GRADE* Ranking: 

Carnitine Deficiency [1, 2]:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Avoidance of strenuous exercise is recommended for those with carnitine deficiency.)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Hepatitis A [3, 4]:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Avoidance of strenuous exercise is recommended for those with hepatitis.)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Hepatitis B Infection [3, 4]:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Avoidance of strenuous exercise is recommended for those with hepatitis.)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Infectious Mononucleosis [5]:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Avoidance of strenuous exercise is recommended for those with mono.)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms [6, 7]:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Avoidance of strenuous exercise is recommended for those with aortic aneurysms.)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

* www.gradeworkinggroup.org 


1. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/942233-clinical

2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2861661/

3. http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM196912182812504

4. http://www.nature.com/icb/journal/v78/n5/full/icb200071a.html

5. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/222040-overview

6. http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/shining-a-light-on-thoracic-aortic-disease

7.  http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/111/6/816

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