Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabra, Gan Cao)

Generic Name
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabra, Gan Cao)
Brand Name



Condition Contra-Indication
Our Records are Incomplete for Condition-Contra Indications

Other Contra-Indication
Our Records are Incomplete for Other Contra-Indications

Our Records are Incomplete for Drug Contra-Indications

Class Contra-Indication
Our Records are Incomplete for Drug Class Contra-Indications

We have incomplete side-effect data.

Side Effects
Efficacy of Licorice as an Alternative Medicine According to GRADE* Ranking:

Please note, this management does NOT treat the condition itself. It may mildly help with some of the symptoms, and even then has insufficient evidence to back up this claim at present. Licorice has been shown to have potentially harmful side effects in people with high blood pressure, liver or kidney diseases)

Acute Viral Hepatitis:

Recommendation: No recommendation (There is insufficient evidence to support claims that licorice helps treat hepatitis. More research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Very low level of evidence 

Addison's Diease:

Recommendation: No recommendation (There is insufficient evidence to support claims that licorice helps treat some symptoms addisons disease. More research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Very low level of evidence 

Alcoholic Liver Disease:

Recommendation: No recommendation (There is insufficient evidence to support claims that licorice helps treat alcoholic liver disease. More research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Very low level of evidence 

Chronic Hepatitis:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help in the treatment of chronic hepatitis, but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Fatty Liver:

Recommendation: No recommendation (There is insufficient evidence to support claims that licorice helps treat some symptoms of a fatty liver. More research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Very low level of evidence 

Lower Respiratory Tract Infection:

Recommendation: No recommendation (There is insufficient evidence to support claims that licorice helps treat respiratory tract infections. More research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Very low level of evidence 

Atopic Dermatitis:

Recommendation: No recommendation (There is insufficient evidence to support claims that licorice helps in the treatment of Eczema. More research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 


Recommendation: No recommendation (There is insufficient evidence to support claims that licorice helps in the treatment of cellulitis. More research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Breast Cancer:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help reduce tumor growth in breast cancers,but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Chronic Leukemia:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help reduce tumor growth in leukemia, but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help reduce tumor growth in leukemia, but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help reduce tumor growth in leukemia, but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 


Recommendation: No recommendation (There is insufficient evidence to support claims that licorice helps treat hypercholestrolemia. More research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Very low level of evidence 


Recommendation: No recommendation (There is insufficient evidence to support claims that licorice helps treat some symptoms of menopause. More research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Peptic Ulcer Disease:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help in the treatment of peptic ulcers, but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Prostate Cancer:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help reduce tumor growth in prostate cancer, but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help reduce tumor growth in leukemia, but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Gastric Cancer:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help reduce tumor growth in gastric cancer, but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Leukemia (Acute Myeloid):

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help reduce tumor growth in leukemia, but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Liver Fibrosis:

Recommendation: No recommendation (There is insufficient evidence to support claims that licorice helps treat some symptoms of liver fibrosis. More research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Very low level of evidence 

Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help reduce tumor growth in leukemia, but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Hepatitis C Infection:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Early reports support claims that licorice helps treat hepatitis C. However, more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Duodenal Ulcer:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help in the treatment of ulcers,but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Gastric Ulcer:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help in the treatment of peptic ulcers,but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Chronic Eosinophilic Leukemia:

Recommendation: Weakly in favor (Small studies and laboratory tests show that Licorice may help reduce tumor growth in leukemia, but more research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Low level of evidence 

Familial Hypercholesterolemia:

Recommendation: No recommendation (There is insufficient evidence to support claims that licorice helps treat hypercholestrolemia. More research is needed)

Grade of Evidence: Very low level of evidence 

1. Ades T, Alteri R, Gansler T, Yeargin P, "Complete Guide to Complimentary & Alternative Cancer Therapies", American Cancer Society, Atlanta USA, 2009

2. Winston, David; Steven Maimes (2007). Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief. Healing Arts Press.




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